Friday, September 30, 2016

DOWNLOAD WIC Reset Richardbelen

DOWNLOAD WIC Reset Richardbelen



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Pada kali ini saya sebagai admin mau sharing tentang driver printer yang lumayan lama,,
Mungkin anda-anda sekalian masih punya printernya tapi drivernya hilang atau rusak,,
Dari sini saya akan membagikannya,,
Driver ini adalah driver Printer Canon IP1700,,,
Wah lumayan lama ya seri printer ini,,

Nah tapi ini saya punya solusi untuk drivernya,,
Coba dech gimana hasilnya jika anda memakai printer tapi drivernya kagak di install,,
Pastinya gak bisakan atau dia bisa saja compatible tapi hasil nya kan tidak akan sebagus jika drivernya di install,itu dikarnakan settingan dari driver tersebut tidak lengkap.

Nah,,kalian download aja lewat sini (untuk downloadnya klik dibawah)
di jamin dech,,anda akap puas dengan hasilnya

Yah,,,semoga bermanfaat bagi kita semua ya,,
Selamat mencoba dan semoga sukses.

Available link for download

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File Name : download makalah manajemen tentang hubungan kelayakan bisnis dengan aspek lingkungan hidup
File Type : .doc document microsoft word
File Size : ? kb
Source :
Description :
Download : Click Here to download

Available link for download

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Download Game Monopoly 3D For PC Gratis

Download Game Monopoly 3D For PC Gratis

Hai sobat, kali ini saya akan share tentang download game monopoly 3D berbahasa Indonesia Gratis. Game ini sudah booming di Indonesia, sudah banyak sekali yang menggunakan game ini, namun hampir semua temen-temen mainnya di smartphone. Disini saya akan share game monopoly 3D khusus PC. Penasaran kan, langsung saja download game monopoly 3D gratis di blog ini.

Berikut spek minimum untuk bisa main game ini:
  • Minimum OS windows XP SP3
  • Processor minimum 1.4 Mhz
  • Ram 1 GB
  • Ruang hardisk minimum 700 MB
  • VGA memori 512 MB
  • DirectX 9.0

Klik salah satu link di bawah ini untuk download
Download Game monopoly 3D Gratis
Download Game monopoly 3D Gratis
Download Game monopoly 3D Gratis
Password :

Available link for download

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Download Software Recovery CD DVD Cara Menggunakan

Download Software Recovery CD DVD Cara Menggunakan

Download Software Recovery CD DVD + Cara Menggunakan - Hari ini saya akan memuat sedikit review mengenai sebuah program yang sangat penting bagi kita. Program apakah itu? Program ini adalah Software Badcopy yang merupakan Software Recovery CD/DVD Yang Tidak Terbaca. Jika anda berminat silahkan baca sedikit info-nya berikut.

Keping CD/DVD rusak atau tergores atau tidak terbaca tentu sering terjadi pada kita, bisa saja keping cd film, program, game dan lain sebagainya. Bagaimana jika hal ini terjadi pada anda, apakah CD/DVD tersebut akan anda buang?

Jika anda mengalami atau memiliki CD/DVD yang sulit untuk terbaca karena ada bagian dari CD/DVD yang tergores (scratch) ada baiknya anda coba terlebih dahulu Software Recovery CD DVD yang satu ini.

Software Recovery CD DVD Badcopy Pro v3

Namanya Software Recovery CD DVD ini yaitu Badcopy Pro v3 yang bisa kita gunakan untuk mengatasi masalah cd tidak terbaca, software ini cocok untuk digunakan. Software cd/dvd rusak ini sangat lumayan dengan dukungan beberapa fitur yang diberikan. Supaya tahu, berikut beberapa fitur dari software tersebut.

Sumber Recovery File
Floppy Disk
Digital Media (Cf, Sm, Mmc)
Zip, Jaz, Mo

Pilihan Recovery File
Corrupted Files
Lost Files


Cara Menggunakan Software Recovery CD DVD

Jika anda ingin mencoba software bagus ini anda bisa membaca panduan cara menggunakan program badcopy yang selengkapnya di jelaskan di bawah ini.

Masukan CD/DVD ke dalam drive CD/DVD RW, selanjutnya sobat sesuaikan jenis modus recovery sesuai kasus pada CD/DVD kalian. Ada tiga modus recovery yang bisa kalian pilih:

  • Rescue Corrupted Files : memilih satu per satu isi dalam folder CD/DVD atau salah satu file yang ingin di repair, tidak termasuk subfolder
  • Rescue Lost Files – Mode #1 : memilih dan memperbaiki salah satu atau keseluruhan folder dari CD dan DVD
  • Rescue Lost Files – Mode #2 : melakukan scanning isi dari keseluruhan CD/DVD termasuk bad sector pada sumber CD/DVD.
Untuk selanjutnya tekan next untuk memulai proses recovery, biasanya cukup memakan waktu tergantung seberapa parahnya source CD/DVD sobat.

Selain merecovery CD/DVD, program ini juga bisa digunakan untuk merecovery isi dari floppy disk, images files atau video yang sudah terhapus melalui tombol “Digital Media CF/SM/MMC”, Zip drive atau sumber media lainnya.

Download Software Recovery CD DVD + Cara Menggunakan
Software Recovery CD DVD BadCopy Pro V3.74

Terakhir, untuk yang berminat anda bisa cek tautan link di atas untuk Download Software Recovery CD DVD dan menggunakannya di rumah. Dengan menggunakan badcopy ini mudah-mudahan data-data penting kita baik yang disimpan di cd ataupun di dvd yang tidak terbaca atau rusak bisa diselamatkan.

Kita semua tahu bahwa data terkadang lebih penting dari perangkatnya, jadi kenapa tidak mencoba Download Software Recovery CD DVD + Cara Menggunakan ini, ilmu komputer, info, Software, Tools Blackberry, tutorial.

Available link for download

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Download file Odin 3 09 zip

Download file Odin 3 09 zip

Download file

Menerima Service Komputer, Laptop. Notebook, Printer Upgrade, Hardware, Software, Instalisasi, dll. Antar Jemput/ Panggilan Hubungi kami DATUN di: Telp : (+6221)70183469 Hp : +628881128512 E-mail : sadatun.ajri@yahoo.coms

Available link for download

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Download Sms reload software otomax 16

Download Sms reload software otomax 16

Sms reload software otomax 16

noring expired SMS (longer than the time specified)
Automatic disconnect incoming calls
SenderModul SMS is used to send SMS to the members, with the status of transactions, balances and other information lain.Fitur:
Filter numbers early goal. Typically used if you want to send to certain numbers only.
1 phone / modem can be used for multiple SMS Sender modules. Usually this is done if you want to apply a different SMS charges for each operator.
CenterModul IM is used to receive and send messages YM (Yahoo! Messenger) or GTalk / XMPP / Jabber from / to the members. Fungi module is similar to the SMS Center / Sender.Fitur:
Auto reconnect. Auto login again if the connection is lost
Auto Add Request. Automatically approve any additional requests (Add Request) of the members
Anti Spam / Bot
DialModul is used for charging the pulse-based USSD as M-Kiosk Telkomsel and XL Wallet Balance, Voice Call or Dial-based like FKios.
SIM Tool Kit (STK) module is used to reload the STK based modem like the M-Tronik or Axis.Fitur:
Parsing very simple.
Being able to get the message (such as: confirmation, send status, etc.) of the STK application.
SMSModul is used for pulse charging based on SMS (CDMA or GSM) such Content Esia or other credit transactions to the server (Host to Host).
KeypadModul is used for charging the pulse where the instruction is sent to the simulation of the buttons on the phone and the status of transactions received via SMS. Sample charging that use of this module is M-Tronik Indosat.Fitur:
End of the waiting time. After sending instructions to the phone, the module will be locked for a while (or until the transaction status changes) that do not work on other transactions.
Hybrid HTHModul IM is used for charging the pulse-based YM (Yahoo! Messenger) / GTalk, which is usually used for the transaction to other Toll Server (Host to Host). Features:
Detect whether the server is online or not your opponent. The option to send instructions only if the server is online opponent.
Can be sent to the server counter H2H format, for example S10.2.0812345679.1234
BankingModul Internet is used to add automatic deposits through deposit ticket, without operator intervention. Bank supported: BCA, BNI and Mandiri.
FisikModul voucher is used for pulse charging based on physical vouchers (friction).
Customer ServiceModul is used to deal with complaints from customers.

Sms reload software otomax 16

Other Features:

An advanced queuing system. All modules can work simultaneously with the option of setting priorities.
Automatic transfer transactions to other modules when certain conditions, such as blank stock or one pin.
Tiered membership system, the number of levels / level is not limited.
Can define a special price for members or a certain level.
The difference between the automatic referrals to the commission. Commission may direct terinput to balance or accumulated and retained until withdrawal.
Excel Data management style that is easy to operate. Tables can be in-Copy-Paste, and sorted as you wish.
The format of the request and reply that can be changed.
Rejection double transaction that can be arranged by date and or with a lag time (minutes).
Balance minus for methods debt / bill.
Management downline members: registration, activation, balance transfer, reset pin, etc..

Our links are FULL tested , safe & secure and guarantee best download speed here.

Available link for download

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Thursday, September 29, 2016

Download gratis 112db Redline Monitor

Download gratis 112db Redline Monitor

112db Redline Monitor v1.0.5-R2R
12db Redline Monitor v1.0.5 | 9.2 MB
Team R2R 2013.08.22

Redline Monitor is a listening, mixing, and mastering tool that makes your headphones experience more natural: as if the sound came from a pair of external speakers.

It replaces the extreme stereo separation that is characteristic for headphones by the detailed stereo image of near-field monitor speakers without any detrimental effect on the audio. Basically it is a so called crossfeed plugin with a few nifty extras, that add extra spatiality while keeping the sound as clean as possible. It combines filtering, frequency-dependent delaying, mid/side processing, and room simulation to create a convincing acoustic soundstage that allows you to properly localize sound sources. It also adjusts the relative levels of panned sources as they appear on speakers, and moves the soundstage from an indeterminate location inside your head (with headphones) towards a clearly defined location in front of you.

Now you can accurately judge levels, stereo placement, and overall balance on your favorite set of headphones--anywhere, anytime, and without ear fatigue even after prolonged listening. No more night long headphone sessions that turn out lifeless and with too little reverb and separation on speakers. Redline Monitor makes mixes sound identical on speakers and headphones.

Redline Monitor is an indispensable tool for any serious use of headphones... you will wonder how you ever did without.

System requirements

Windows : XP, Vista, 7, 8
Mac OS X (Intel only): 10.6 (Snow Leopard), 10.7 (Lion), 10.8 (Mountain Lion)

Redline Monitor is available in VST(32-bit & 64-bit)/AU (32-bit & 64-bit)/RTAS (32-bit) format.


Transparent sound with perfectly flat frequency response
Support for sample rates up to 384kHz.
True stereo soundstage with adjustable speaker position
Separately adjustable phantom center level for optimal speaker matching
Distance control to simulate placement of near-field monitors in room
Auxiliary left/right solo and phase invert controls for critical listening
Output switchable to mono for mono-compatibility checking

Sales page :

Download :

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Download Windows 7 Manager v5 1 8

Download Windows 7 Manager v5 1 8

Download Windows 7 Manager v5 1 8

Download Windows 7 Manager v5 1 8

Download Windows 7 Manager v5  1 8  Windows 7 is the newest Operating System for home users and professionals associated with the world of the Mac animals and has features that you can do whatever you want from your system.
Software Windows 7 Manager is a powerful tool in planning, optimization and clean up Windows 7. The app includes 30 different tools to improve performance and increase the efficiency and security of Windows 7. By this application with one click all your software and hardware system view. Optimize and speed up and clean up your registry, manage Startup, freeing hard drive space by deleting files fake, duplicate and edit the settings for the display menus to increase speed and efficiency, security keys with clear registry, passwords and personal information, optimize settings network to increase the speed of the network connection features of the software.

A key feature of the software Windows 7 Manager:
- See all software and hardware systems
- Ability to speed up internet
- Optimize and speed up the clean registry
- Ability to speed up the Start Up and Shutdown System
- Startup Management
- Free up hard drive space by deleting unnecessary files contained duplicate ...
- Edit the settings for the display menus
- Change the icon of drives and drive peripherals such as Flash Memory
- Securing a clean registry keys, passwords and personal information.
- Optimize your settings to the network in order to increase the speed of network connections
- The Mac s boot access

n easily checks your registry and repair incorrectly linked registry entries, automatically remove invalid entries; Registry Defrag rebuilds and re-indexes your registry to reduce registry access time and therefore improve application responsiveness.
- Control what is started on Windows startup; Create the quick startup items on Taskbar with the Jump List quick launcher; Tune up Windows 7 boot menu; edit context menus of mouse Right-Clicking; customize system desktop, menus, toolbar and notifications settings; customize the look of your system.
- You can improve desktop, menus, Windows logon securities, and enable numerous hidden performance options of system, disable system updates and error reports; hide and restrict to access drives, specify which applications are not allowed to be executed on your computer; encrypt / decrypt and shred files, change the location of system folders; Privacy Protector can maintain your personal privacy by eliminating the tracks that you leave behind; create lots of randomization password once.
- Optimize your Internet connection speed, manage all shares items; tweak your Internet Explorer easily.
Misc. Utilities:
- Show the collection of Windows utilities; split and merge any file; Copy and move files neatly, you can also automatically back up files regularly.

Download links

Download - 12.3 MB

Available link for download

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Download Resetter Printer Canon

Download Resetter Printer Canon

Canon is a brand that is well known, who is not familiar with the canon? Each one will find the printer then the first thought is probably the Canon brand. That Canon is so far into the printer idol for most people.

But many complaints are found as the reciprocal of its customers, because there are error messages appear on their computer with regard to these favorite printer, as well as indicator lights are lit again and again and could not understand what he meant.
Because it is the lamp indicator explanation does not seem to be found in the manuals and help facilities in the software, or CD installer. Canon seem to mean that any existing problems so the printer must be taken to service center.

For those of you who experience problems like the above and want to try to improve myself the Canon SI, this article may be useful for you.

In the printer world is the term "HARDWARE RESET" and "SOFTWARE RESET". Reset will restore hardware settings (firmware) on the default position and reset the software manufacturer is more to handling problems that often occur on Canon printers.

These tips aim to care / maintenance on your favorite Canon printer. For Hardware Reset on Canon printers new output is the following way;
- Disconnect the power cable from colokannya,
- Press and hold down the power button,
- Connect the power cable to the colokannya,
- While STILL pressing the power button, press the resume button 2 times, release the power button.
- Wait until the reset process is complete approximately 1 minute
- Done

Next to Reset Software way is as follows;

- Download Canon software reset at the end of this article,
- Run the software reset the Canon, in accordance with its series Canon (Pixma IP xxxx, Canon MPxxx, etc.)
- Click Ink Counter Reset to restore the status of refill ink,
- Click Reset Waste Ink to restore the status of ink disposal.

List of Links: Click to download
Download Resetter ip1200_1600_2200tool.rar

Download Resetter

Download Resetter iPTool.rar (Hampir semua canon rumahan bisa)

Download Resetter MPTool.rar

Download Resetter ip1700_1300.rar

Download Software_Resetter_CanoniP1900.rar

Available link for download

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