Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Download Seoquake For Google Chrome

Download Seoquake For Google Chrome

What is Seoquake?

Seoquake is an extension /plugin which helps web masters who worked on promotion of their web sites. Seoquake enable us to obtain and check several search engine optimization parameters of the internet project which is being study on the fly, compare it to the results, keep them for better future work, obtained for other.

Web masters initially use seoquake and find it useful for them and their work estimating effectiveness and competitive skill of their SEO effort. Seoquake has become powerful and indispensable tool for investigating optimization and promotion level web-projects on internet and in the networking world.

Seoquake has two functional parts to perform functions. One is Seobar and second one is the computation of the parameters for results which are searching online and its position on the pages into search engine (SERP) for those search engines whom are most popular.

Seoquake firfox plugin download/ download seoquake for google chrome
Following parameters of seoquake are as under:

  • Page information
  • Google pagerank
  • Google index
  • SEMrush link
  • SEMrush linkdomain
  • Bing index
  • Alexa rank
  • Webarchive age
  • Delicious index
  • Twitter tweets
  • Facebook likes
  • Google plusone
  • Whois
  • Page sources
  • SEMrush rank
  • Keywords density
  • Diagnosis
  • Internal/External links
Click here to download Seoquake latest vesion for Goolge chrome

Available link for download