Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Download SigmaXL 6 23 for Excel

Download SigmaXL 6 23 for Excel

SigmaXL 6.23 for Excel

SigmaXL is a leading provider of user friendly Excel add-in tools for statistical and graphical analysis. Our flagship product, SigmaXL was designed from the ground up to be cost-effective, powerful, and easy to use. It allows users to measure, analyze, improve, and control their service, transactional and manufacturing processes. As an add-in to the already familiar Microsoft Excel, SigmaXL is ideal for Six Sigma training and is used by leading consultants. It is rapidly becoming the tool of choice for Six Sigma professionals. Priced at $249, SigmaXL is a fraction of the cost of any major statistical product, yet it has all the statistical and graphical functionality most people need.

SigmaXL is the perfect tool for Six Sigma® Green Belts, Black Belts, Quality and Business Professionals, Engineers, and Managers.

SigmaXL V6 is compatible with Excel 2003-2013 and can accommodate more than 1 million rows of data. Included are additional Six Sigma DMAIC templates, a DMAIC Menu option and a Control Chart Selection Tool to simplify the selection of SPC charts.

Our links are FULL tested , safe & secure and guarantee best download speed.

Available link for download