Friday, October 14, 2016

Download MacRepertory 8 PRO Everything Pro Package VI

Download MacRepertory 8 PRO Everything Pro Package VI

MacRepertory 8 PRO + Everything Pro Package VI

Let us introduce you to the new MacRepertory 8. Our repertorization tool, MacRepertory makes it easy to quickly select and analyze rubrics, get ideas for remedies, check the materia medica, do a bit of research and feel confident about your prescriptions.

MacRepertory 8 is the most user-friendly, elegant and powerful program we’ve ever produced. It’s been refined and enhanced from one end to the other so you use more of the program, feel more creative and get better results.
• To find a word in the rubrics, just type it. No menus, no dialogs — the rubrics appear right in front of you. Just click to see all of the rubrics that contain a remedy (or family). Easy.
• Make your own additions to the repertory by simply pasting.
• Automatically display your last patient’s graph.
• With a flick of the mouse leap around the repertory with our new history feature.
• Effortlessly collect potential remedies or families to focus the case analysis.
• When we fix bugs your program will automatically update itself over the internet.

Our links are FULL tested , safe & secure and guarantee best download speed.

Available link for download