Friday, October 14, 2016

Download TrueGrain 1 3 3 for Mac win by GrubbaSoftware

Download TrueGrain 1 3 3 for Mac win by GrubbaSoftware

TrueGrain 1.3.3 for Mac & win by GrubbaSoftware

TrueGrain is a pro-grade tool for accurately recapturing the aesthetics of black and white film with digital photography.

With TrueGrain, you can:

    Accurately recapture the aesthetics of particular film stocks—including “lost” films—while retaining an all-digital workflow
    Creatively employ credible film aesthetics
    Add high resolution film grain information to digital images to elegantly minimize the pixilation effects of upsampling
    Match digital imagery to existing film images for restoration and compositing purposes

Classic film stocks that TrueGrain can accurately simulate (click for details):

    Agfa APX 400
    Bergger BRF-200
    Forte Fortepan 200
    Fuji Neopan 400
    Ilford Delta 3200 Professional
    Ilford Delta 400
    Ilford FP4 Plus
    Ilford HP5 Plus

    Kodak Panatomic-X
    Kodak Professional T-MAX 400
    Kodak Professional T-MAX P3200
    Kodak Professional TRI-X 400
    Kodak TRI-X Pan 400
    Kodak Verichrome Pan
    Konica Infrared 750nm
    Orwo NP22

Various Photoshop plugins and do-it-yourself techniques exist to mimic the generic “look” of scanned film by converting to grayscale and adding random noise to evoke film grain. However, the results from these approaches are not particularly convincing, because:

    real film grain is not random noise
    real film grain looks dramatically different across different film stocks
    real film grain expresses itself differently based on exposure

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Available link for download